September 16, 2019
Planted it in hope that it would
Three or four little children dear to me
The ground was prepared by
the apple tree
Of grass and weeds the soil was bare
The tiny seed was
planted with care
With a prayer to the LORD up on high
That He would cause
the seed to grow, by and by
Next to the watermelon, I planted some
Then I waited on the LORD to send some showers
I watched the
seeds spring forth and grow
One day after the rain, I spied a rainbow
spread so mightily across the sky
This beauty was from God who reigns on
After many days the watermelon grew with might
The sunflowers bursted
with colors, O ground rod Manufacturers
what a sight
Finally the day came when I picked the melon
This juicy fruit
I would not be selling
I called my grandsons, my great nephews and
Cut up the watermelon and gave them the pieces
My heart rejoiced China
Copper Clad Steel Manufacturers to see the juice run down their
With a President or King I wouldn't trade places
To see this gift
from our loving God
A juicy treat sprung forth from the sod
Posted by: rodground at
02:07 AM
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Post contains 221 words, total size 2 kb.
September 12, 2019
A stun gun is an electrical self-defense device to immobilize an attacker without inflicting serious injury.Since large muscle groups will ensure more power to detect and thus, bring down the attacker very quickly. Though the amperage is very low, no serious or permanent injury is inflicted as it just intends for a safety measure and not anything with bad intention. Nobody wants a huge scene when they're trying to rob, attack or rape you. Are you?
.Since stun gun is designed to key into the nervous system, it dumps its energy into the muscles at a high pulse frequency. Touching a person with the prongs of the device quickly immobilizes the attacker as it uses high voltage to stop an attacker by administering an electric shock. Also, the longer you hold it on someone, the longer and more effective the stunning will be. You can try it with the device you bought from stun gun wholesale. Do not panic. If you've stunned the guy long enough to drop him to the ground, chances are it'll take some time for him to run off.At the time you are attacked, you are in no position to choose the right place in hurry but if you do have a little time and presence of mind, pick a large muscle group to stun like the chest, the Grounding Rods Suppliers groin, the stomach, the thighs or the back to stun an attacker. At the time, you will have to make yourself understand that panic is not going to help but worsen the scenario and you will not have all day to make the decision. There is no significant effect on the perpetrator's heart and other organs but enough distraction for you to get the time you need to ground rod Manufacturers get away and find help. And when you take a note, you will have some details to give to the police. Manufacturers offering stun gun wholesale is trying to make sure everyone is equipped with the device.At the time of any accident or mishap, keep yourself calm and composed. So, if the face or neck is the closest body part you can reach, well, then use the Stun Gun.After using the stun gun on the attacker, you must run immediately and find for help. For instance, if you're walking through the mall parking lot, a parking garage or alone in places where you are completely alone like criminal areas or empty roads. It causes disorientation and loss of balance and leaves the attacker in a passive though confused condition for several minutes.
Things You Have To Learn Or Do By Yourself:
- You just have to take out the weapon in your hands be it any situation where you could be an easy target. Since the products are so popular for safety issues, Stun Gun wholesale is easily available to the customers as a gesture to make more profits in a good and healthy way
Posted by: rodground at
01:09 AM
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Post contains 497 words, total size 3 kb.
September 03, 2019
On the Job Experience
For most homeowners, finding a problem in their home can be afrustrating experience. It may take you several hoursor days to research and figure out what steps you need to take.Remember that your time is valuable and you want someone there tohandle these types of things without you needing to worry. You can ask questions on things you are unsure about andyou may get a few great ideas on how to change the plans to maximizethe space. Let someoneelse take on this responsibility and trust that things will get done.
. Don't let the burden of coordinating an entire project fallon your shoulders. Because a general contractorhas worked on multiple jobs, he can more quickly figure out what theproblem is and work towards a solution. It doesn'tmatter if you are beginning to build a house from the ground up or justtrying to update a few of the rooms, you need someone to oversee theproject and make sure the work is being completed.Make life a little easier by hiring a general contractor. While you may have the best intentions when itcomes to working on your home, you may not know exactly what it willtake to get the job done.
An Expert in the Field
A general contractor knows all of the ins and outs when it comes tobuilding and remodeling. You can't always diagnose it and you have noidea where to start to begin the repair. Take advantage ofhis expertise and put him in charge of the task. grounding products manufacturers You want to sitdown with a knowledgeable individual that can give you information onthe length of time the project may take, and estimated cost, and theprobability that you will run into some type of issue.
Calling for An Appointment
Calling a general contractor should be one of the first steps whenlooking to design a remodel or build something new.
Employees and Contacts
Whether your general contractor employs him own people or subcontractsout to other workers, his name is on the line. You don't want toget started, just to find out that you are in over your head. Searching out several differentcompanies for lightning rod suppliers each step of the job can be time consuming, but alsofrustrating as you don't always know who you are hiring. If you hire someone locally, you can trustthat they are up to date on all of the current codes and know what itwill take for your home to pass inspection
Posted by: rodground at
02:12 AM
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Post contains 492 words, total size 3 kb.
August 29, 2019
Walls height: Walls are generally 8′, but 9′ and 10′ walls are common. In city downtown areas there is often a height restriction on structures, such as less than 16′ to the roof peak based on the average height from the four corners measuring at grade. The frostwall is formed and poured on the on the footing and anchor bolts are installed in the to attach the walls to the foundation. Detached garages must also be set back from other buildings by a minimum of eight feet, but this must be confirmed with local building offices as bodes vary.
Wall construction: If the garage is going to be insulated now or possibly any time in the future the wall studs size is important as 2" x 6" studs allow more insulation that can meet building code requirements (for garages with apartments) than 2" x 4" studs. It is important to obtain good quality garage plans that are easy to follow, accurate, and provide a materials list (well, a material list is not important, but it will certainly save a lot of time).
Plot (plat) plan: The building compliance department will require a drawing showing (site plan) the lot with existing structures, proposed structure, and property lines with measurements indicating distances between property lines and structures. This system is usually weighted against building with regular fink trusses and higher walls. Once the trench is excavated a footing approximately 12" wide by 8" thick is formed and poured and a keyway is etched the length of the footing to prevent movement of the concrete wall. Another option is to hire a local drafts person to create the garage plans. R40).Three car: There are many three car garage sizes due to more room for numerous designs and homeowners often have larger budgets when considering these larger construction projects.
Garage plans: Once decisions are made on the above items it is time to get the garage plans for the building permit application and the builder. There are several websites that offer garage plans create by dozens and hundreds of different company so consistency and quality control are something to keep in mind. Roof pitch less than 4/12 (rises 4" for every 12" of run or length) is not recommended due to increased chance of water leaks.If the garage will be built in a cold climate the garage doors in the gable end is a better design as snow and ice will slide down the eave end. Otherwise two regular trusses will require wood filling for attaching sheathing and siding (not too mention the building inspector may not pass the framing inspection.Two car: The most common garage size in many states and provinces is 24′ x 24′ because many building codes required an engineered drawing and two inspections by a structural engineer for concrete floating slabs (monolithic) larger than this size.
Roof style: Often the roof style is dictated by the existing house, for example if the house has a hip roof this would be a good option for the garage. The most common roof trusses for garage roof design include:
1.5" foundation foam under the concrete to reduce heaving during freeze/thaw events. Of course, 2" x 6" studs are stronger, which results in a more structurally sounds building. If this is a DIY project and the homeowner is building the garage it should be noted that a hip roof is more difficult to build than installing standard trusses. This means that you can get a little extra height if the garage is nestled into a bank with a concrete curb or retaining wall on this end and backfilling to top of retaining wall.
Building Permit: Make an appointment to meet with a building inspector to discuss the project and submit the garage plans, material list, and site plan to the building department.e.
There many items to consider while in the early planning stage such as:
Garage size: One car, two car, or even a three car garages can be designed
with various sizes, but the lot and homeowner&Ground Rod
Accessories39;s budget are generally the limiting factors.
4. If this is
a DIY garage project don&flat
bar Suppliers39;t forget to order two gable trusses for each gable end. This
can be a hand drawn diagram of a marked up copy of the plot/plat plan. One
important consideration is roof overhang. Higher pitch roofs with certain truss
designs can allow for storage, loft, or even apartments above the main
Adding 6′ x 6′ #10 wire mesh to the slab is an inexpensive method of increasing the floor strength and reducing cracking of the concrete. The building department may require a survey to confirm accuracy of measurements for precise garage location requirements. This is the only way to meet many attic insulation level requirements (i. Local concrete suppliers can provide costs for adding this to concrete.
Garage door placement: The garage doors can be on the gable end or the eave
3. Common sizes are 36′ - 42′ wide by 26′ - 30′ long. Print two copies
of the picture and hand draw in the garage using both the gable and eave
options. Or if feeling adventurous, or just downright thrifty, one can invite
friends over for a few beer over the weekend and put them to work. The concrete
slab is then poured to designed thickness. Concrete strength should be a minimum
of 3,000psi and many contractors use 4,000 and 4,500 psi as the additional cost
is minimal. There are a couple of companies that do their own in-house drafting
and a search of the internet should find these companies.
2. Another method
to maximize height in these areas is to pour a 12" concrete curb on the concrete
slab perimeter and backfill earth up to the top of the curb and grade away from
the structure.Double fink: Designed to handle high weight loads for higher snow
load requirements. Slab thickness is dependent on the concrete strength and
reinforcement designs, however a good rule of thumb is to pour a 4" or thicker
Foundation: floating slab (monolithic) and slab with frostwall are the two most common foundation options.Existing house design may dictate the direction of the roof line. For example, a 24′ x 24′ garage with an 8/12 pitch may have a ceiling height of 12′ in the center and 8′ at the wall.Flexibility with the garage doors in the gable end allow height for a future car port.
Posted by: rodground at
03:11 AM
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Post contains 1682 words, total size 11 kb.
August 15, 2019
Posted by: rodground at
01:20 AM
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Post contains 484 words, total size 3 kb.
August 06, 2019
How to refine gold from scraps
So just how much precious metal do you have gathering dust, and more importantly, what&Lightning Rods Manufacturers39;s the best way to take advantage of the possible gold mine at your fingertips?
Electronic products are one of the bigger users of gold. By using All Waste Matters as your precious metal refiner, you may be able to turn these seemingly insignificant scraps into profit. Gold is a bio-compatible metal, meaning it can be placed in contact with a person&China grounding products manufacturers39;s body and not cause harm to one's health.
Every time we go to visit our clients on a precious metal refining job, they are stunned that this pile of what they considered to be scrap waste is worth any money - often, their eyes light up once we give them a quote.
Posted by: rodground at
02:11 AM
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Post contains 1171 words, total size 8 kb.
July 22, 2019
Types of the cable joints
In order to establish an electric connection a person can make different types of the cable joints. The power cable jointing kit helps to make the electricity travel from one power cable to another several cables. The joints that are present in the electronic connection are made for high, medium as well as the low voltage current.
Y and t type joints - This is used to join the cables which do not have protective shields.
In order to run various types of the machinery devices electricity is mandatory.. In homes and also in factories, it is found that there are several gadgets which run with the help of electricity. Moreover it also increases the length of the wire increasing the capacity of insulation. Cables are found in different shapes and sizes. The Cable Jointing Kits are the device used to join the cable in order copper clad steel to make the electricity pass on from the main connection to the device. Power cable jointing kits are manufactured by the Power Cable Jointing Kit Manufacturers.
Pot end joints - This type of the joints are best for the underground cables and wires. It consists of a thick wall.
Importance of making the power cable jointing kits
The main importance of power grounding products cable jointing kits are that the devices are used to join two different power cables and establish an electronic connection. This is needed because in an electronic connection there are different types of voltage.
Straight through joints - This is an important type of joint used in electronic connections.
Posted by: rodground at
01:18 AM
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Post contains 501 words, total size 3 kb.
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